Work with us.

Sycamore Creek is often looking to hire qualified candidates who are interested in joining our team. From private events and weddings to community events and The Fall Roundup, there are multiple areas where opportunities exist to become a part of the ranch “family.”

Sycamore Creek is currently hiring for the following positions:

Open Positions

  • 2025 Event Staff (Part-Time)

    - Work weddings, corporate events, other private events, and some community events. (Includes teardown (and occasionally setup) of tables and chairs, cleaning, customer service, bussing tables, admissions, concessions, etc.)

  • Pizza Truck Staff (Part-Time)

    - Looking for certified food handlers to prep pizzas with possible advancement to a manager position.

    - Pizza truck is open at Barn Dances, The Fall Roundup, and Catering at Sycamore Creek Private Events.